

Amanda Wiart 0 Comments

The invitation of meditation is a far more generous one than sitting to clear your mind.   And yet this is a pervasive and widely taught approach to meditation which is presenting particular problems for people with anxiety.  An approach to meditation which shames a “busy brain” and measures the success of meditation...
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Men in Yoga Practice

Amanda Wiart 3 Comments

I was amazed at the difference in my life from a constant practice. I became more aware of my thoughts and how they affected my feelings and actions. As my body began to open up more I found I was able to recover faster from sports and work. I wasn’t waking up...
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A Wild Woman and A Wild Man

Amanda Wiart 0 Comments

Can you love me when I drink from the wrong bottle and slip through the crack in the floorboard? Can you love me when I’m bigger than you, when my presence blazes like the sun does, when it hurts to look directly at me? Can you love me then too?
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