
Why Yoga Is The Best Gift This Christmas

Amanda Wiart 0 Comments

Christmas time is one of the most stressful times of the year.  There are expectations and obligations galore and sometimes this means that the joy of the festive season and catching up with friends and family can be draining.  You’ve got a to do list a mile long, Christmas lunch to prepare,...
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Amanda Wiart 0 Comments

The invitation of meditation is a far more generous one than sitting to clear your mind.   And yet this is a pervasive and widely taught approach to meditation which is presenting particular problems for people with anxiety.  An approach to meditation which shames a “busy brain” and measures the success of meditation...
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Raise Your Vibration- The Practices

Amanda Wiart 1 comment

Everything is energy, and it all vibrates at different frequencies. Including you. When you are vibrating at higher level you will attract more of the good things into your life, people, energy, opportunities, you’ll breathe easier and think clearer. Like attracts like right…. So high vibrations are going to attract things that...
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